Grace Mitchell is a 31 year-old transplanted Oregonian living in suburban Northern Virginia. She lives with her partner, the long-suffering Mark, and a lineup of cherished pets, including an Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Atakan; a lovey brown tabby cat, Atticus; a slightly skittish tortie, Esme; and an odd little Siamese-mix, Illy.
Grace is an avid movie watcher and reviewer, a reader of books, and a maker of a great many self-improvement resolutions, a few of which are actually kept. She is a lover of the detritus of the world and nothing pleases her more than hours spend in thrift stores, handling other people’s junk.
Online, you can find Grace here at What If No One’s Watching, a monument to her own self-indulgence; writing feminist and anti-racist reviews of action movies at Heroine Content; or speaking her mind in 140 characters or less on her Twitter feed.